Thursday, October 20, 2011


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Denny-Amir agree to Strengthen Law Revision Commission Through

Amir Shamsuddin Menkum Human Rights and Human Rights Representative Denny Indrayana Menkum agreed to prioritize the eradication of corruption. As the relevant ministries in the revised law, Kemenkum Commission on Human Rights agreed to the revised Law on anti-corruption agencies should strengthen it.

"In accordance with the orders of the President, anti-corruption agencies should be strengthened and streamlined its work," Denny said during a press conference held at the offices of human rights Kemenkum, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta, Tuesday (19/10/2011).

Denny added that not only the Commission should be strengthened, but also other anti-corruption institutions such as INTRAC, Agency, CPC and others.

"Institutions must be strengthened with the revised law," said Denny.

As the initial performance of anti-corruption, human rights have been agreed on a moratorium Kemenkum remission dismissal for corruption. It is hoped this will provide a deterrent effect for criminals.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reshuffle "Cabinet Inaugural Secretary 19 October

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was accompanied by Vice President Boediono prepared to give a press statement after meeting with the chairman of the coalition of political parties at the residence of the Indah Puri Cikeas, Bogor, West Java, Thursday (13/10/2011). General chairman of the coalition of political parties present at the meeting are (from left to right) President of the Prosperous Justice Party Ishaaq Hasan Lutfi, Chairman of the United Development Party Suryadharma Ali, Chairman of Golkar Party Bakrie, Chairman of the National Mandate Party Hatta Rajasa, Chairman of the Muhaimin Iskandar National Awakening Party, and Democratic party chairman Anas Urbaningrum.
Juru Bicara Presiden Julian Aldrin Pasha memastikan, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono akan melantik jajaran anggota Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II pasca-penataan pada 19 Oktober 2011 di Istana Negara, Jakarta. Pada saat pelantikan, Presiden juga akan menyampaikan pidato kebijakan di hadapan anggota KIB II.
Dengan demikian, pada 20 Oktober 2011, KIB II pasca-penataan dapat bekerja. Pada 20 Oktober mendatang, pemerintahan Presiden SBY-Wakil Presiden Boediono genap berusia dua tahun.
"Sementara itu, pengumuman menteri dilakukan setelah proses reshuffle selesai," kata Julian ketika dihubungi, Sabtu (15/10/2011).
Julian mengatakan, pemanggilan calon wakil menteri bisa terus berlanjut. Sampai saat ini, Presiden telah menunjuk 10 orang calon wakil menteri. Mereka adalah diplomat senior Wardana sebagai calon Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri, Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Ali Gufron sebagai calon Wakil Menteri Kesehatan, dan Direktur Jenderal Pemasaran Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Sapta Nirwandar diangkat sebagai calon Wakil Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Musliar Kasim sebagai calon Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan bidang pendidikan, Kepala BPS Rusman Heriawan sebagai calon Wakil Menteri Pertanian, akademisi UI Eko Prasodjo sebagai calon Wakil Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, Wakil Menteri Pertanian Bayu Khrisnamurthi sebagai calon wakil Menteri Perdagangan, Sekretaris Kementerian BUMN sebagai calon Wakil Menteri BUMN, akademisi UGM Wiendu Nuryanto sebagai calon Wakil Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan bidang kebudayaan, dan Wakil Menteri Perdagangan Mahendra Siregar sebagai calon Wakil Menteri Keuangan.
Ketika ditanya kapan Presiden akan memanggil calon menteri, Julian mengaku tidak memiliki informasi tersebut.


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