Saturday, October 15, 2011

The way to be 100% pure in the receive (Approve) google adsense (Google Help Center)

This time I want to give a pure way so that you can be approved or accepted by google adsense.Immediately, and not long - winded, I assume you already know what it is google adsense, so I do not need to explain.
Well this is pure tips .. so it's not a sneaky way hehehOf course most major nasiblah so if you want a list of google adsense, be diligent to pray to Him.In addition to diligently pray, you must set up an email. why email because email is the primary key google adsense account.Do not use the email from gmail, why because it's hard on the receipt ...!!although it may work but are more likely if you're using your own email an example use your domain emails .. for example like this:saya@domainsaya.comwell if your email as it was 90% sure you approve or accepted by google adsense.
After an email so you just fix your blog ... which of course for now blogs must use the 10 languages ​​that enter google adsense TOS.for 10 languages, try searching it on google.mmmm ,,,,,,,, if you choose English, to note everything on the home page "HOME" must not contain language that is not allowed by google adsense, just all had English, none sticking language other ..
Once the language has seen 100% english, keep your blog template,,, use the blog template ... profesianal or premium, premium pay does not mean lo ...!! there is a free premium kok ...essentially templates that use bright colors, white was the color biru.jangan alloys with a dark color,, google does not like dark colors ...continue to look at the template is there any language that tucked language support besides English. if anyone tried to change it to english.
If the template is complete, now living make the page Contact us, About us, our privacy policy.Do not forget that page must be in the front, or at "home" (Anchort text, not the article).
Once the page is finished, now lives alone in a list of google adsense.
Well ...........!!!!! to this list there is also a trick, one trick is that you are searching it on do in with Keyword "google adsense". if you write the entry into but try to use this: / ncr. definitely go to google. com, keep searching searching google using the keywords used in English, so that cookies are stored in your browser's cookies english language support.
after a walk in your new google searching the keyword "google adsense," See the link ( / adsense) live you click signup, fill out the registration form, fill in the contact data indicated on your domain .. wait a maximum of 2 days must be accepted. 100% accepted.NB: Before searching on make sure none of your google account is still logged on google.Terimaksih may be useful


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